The Apocalypse of John as seen by Charles Sahuguet is an illustration of the Jerusalem Bible text, which contains 22 chapters and an introductory text by the prophet Isaiah. It took two years to paint the 46 gouaches on paper. A completely faithful rendering of the text guided these illustrations.
An audiovisual presentation of the Jerusalem Bible text by Tadié Cinéma with musical accompaniment by Philippe Herson-Macarel was shown at the Saint-Merri Church in Paris in 1982. It was later published by Bayard Audio-Visuel in the form of a musical slideshow.
The book
The Apocalypse of John as seen by Charles Sahuguet was published by Editions de Saint-Augustin in 1998 and sold throughout France (Editions du Cerf).
« Painting and continually re-working the Tree of Life led me from Genesis to the Apocalypse quite naturally. From that point, my fears about scourges, destruction and massacres described in the Bible, and my worries about the Final Warning all disappeared. I decided to create an illustration with as little personal influence as possible.
My goal was to transpose the writings of John into artwork, just as John transposed into human language what the Angel of God revealed to him. Like John, I don’t express myself personally. John, through me, reveals what he himself saw. »
Charles Sahuguet